I made this!

YOU GUYS!!!  This is a wonderful update…

A few of my ideas came to life over the weekend!  I did it!

I have only had time to post one item, albeit, with only one photo — not even a good photo,  I POSTED A NEW ITEM!  You guys, this is a big deal for me… I’m a doer!  I’m trying harder than I’ve ever tried before, so I am feeling proud of myself.  Even if my ideas are crap (I don’t think they are… but who am I?)… they are MY ideas and I made them with my bare hands!  That alone, is a big deal.

If you get a chance… occasionally head on over an see my new items:  Surprisingly Upbeat 

Direct link to my newest creation:  Sailboat Brooch, Please.

I made this!  Original idea by Maria Shaw

I made this! Original idea by Maria Shaw

I’ll be back to post more of my items… I think I may try and do a “I made this” series.  So I will be back!


Happiness is a place between too much and too little


It’s December!  How did that happen?!  Per usual, I’m not prepared.  I haven’t done much X-Mas shopping, I always think “oh I have pllllllenty of time!” and then I blink and its December 23rd.  So this year, instead of milling over stuff (making decisions and I do not get along), today I just went for it!  If the people don’t like it… well, too bad!  Only issue with online shopping is… I get distracted and end up looking at things *I* want… and naturally,  I’ve found about 8,238,937,459 things I need!

So… Seeing that this is the time when we should all be in the giving spirit… I have decided to start making a list in photos of some of the things I’m finding to. die. for.  Mostly to keep me from exploding and spending all my money on myself.  I Today, I will start with sweaters…

jackalope sweater 95

Madewell Jackalope Sweater $95

anthro sweater 98

Anthropologie – Piped Pieter Sweater $98

Dalmatian Salutation Cardigan 6999

Modcloth.com – Dalmatian Salutation Cardigan $69.99


Urban Outffiters – Cooperative Kitsch Pullover Sweater $59


I think these sweaters are right in between too much & too little… oh yes.  So dear Universe… if you are listening… these under the tree would be extra special.  ❤

**“Happiness is a place between too much and too little.”
 -Finnish proverb**